Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Our drawings of Metallica - Visualising a character from the text

Today during our Google Meet, we learnt to visualise what we read by drawing an image of a robotic creature described in the text. It was fun and challenging at the same time but we worked together and created our fantastic drawings! 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Year 4 PAT Maths test - You are seriously awesome! Nga Mihi

I am very proud of all Year 4 students who participated in both Term 1 and 4 PAT tests and showed great progress despite the tough lockdown learning times! Congratulations on your results, amazing mathematicians!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Probability and Chance

Today, we explored the idea of something being possible, probable, certain, likely, unlikely or impossible.

We thought of our experiences and played a lot of chance games. It was fun to learn about probability!