Thursday, April 14, 2016


by Tajon

Once, there was a man who was Maori. He was a strong man. His enemies wanted to kill him. 

He went to the chief’s house. The chief told him, ”Go and hide in my potato pit.” Te Rauparaha went into the potato pit. Then he heard enemies footsteps coming from outside. The enemies ran off and he came out of the potato pit. After that, Te Rauparaha went home and told his story to his people. They started to repeat his words, stamp their feet and do the haka. Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora! Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora!

Red by Lily A

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Just Like Me!

by Jade

Brothers, Boys, Family, Child,My name is Jade. I have a brother, his name is Chase. He likes to ride a skateboard. Just like me!!!!! He likes to play army games, just like me!!!!! He has blonde hair, just like me!!!!! He wakes up early, just like me!!!!! He likes to play guitar, just like me!!!!!.
He watches kiddy shows, not like me!!!!! He can’t ride a bike, not like me!!!!! He can’t do tricks on a skateboard, not like me!!!!!  He goes to kindy, not like me!!!!! He goes to bed early, not like me. 
Sometimes we are different, sometimes we are the same. But we will always be good brothers.

Just Like Me!

by Tracey

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


by Sar Yar Chan

Yellow is the soft bear Ollie that lives in Room 3.
Yellow is the sun that is hot.
Yellow is a book that we can write in.
Yellow is a minion eating bananas.
Yellow is a happy face that smiles at me.
Yellow is a sunflower!

Just Like Me!

 by Ocean

Just Like Me!

by Wint

Monday, April 11, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


by Ben

There are different sorts of taniwha!

Angry-grumpy-scaly taniwha,
Shark-like and snake-like taniwha,
Stealing-people’s-food taniwha,
Please- don't-eat-my-dog taniwha,
I don't like bad taniwha.

I like room 3’s taniwha
Laughing-at-jokes -with-a-smile taniwha,
Respecting-and-looking-after us taniwha,
Swimming-race-with-Room 3 taniwha,

I know our taniwha loves us.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Little Dog

by Bullard

The little dog’s name was Ben. The little dog was sad because he had not many toys. 

The little dog said to his sisters, ’’I don’t have many toys.  But you can have some of my toys.’’ He was very kind.

Dogs, Puppies, Pet, Animal,