Thursday, August 19, 2021

New Zealand is in Lockdown...

We were very excited to see each other and share our thoughts about the new lockdown. We understand the importance of staying home and following the lockdown rules... but we miss school, sport and our friends!  Click HERE to read Zurielle's blog post about the new lockdown and Covid.

Our first day of distance learning was very productive and full of fun! Tomorrow, we'll try to play new games and think of more interesting activities together!


  1. hi jasmine here hopefuly we will go back o school

  2. It's so good that we can still meet, learn and have fun online!

  3. Wow you guys have been working so hard Ka pai

  4. Hello this is Liana and Lockdown has been very boring and I want to go back to school but at least we have Google Meets and we can see eachother through our devices and well done everyone for doing the right things online even when no one is there!

  5. Hi,no words but i have one word...why?
